Thursday, November 15, 2007

DB2 Web Query for System i

I just returned from a training class on the new DB2 Web Query offering from IBM, and am excited about using it with our Plant and Facility Maintenance application (METHOS). It shows great promise in both retrieval and analyzing vital data. You are able to add a more modern look to any existing Query/400 report as well as produce new, more graphical reports. Queried output can go directly to spreadsheets or PDF documents, and color coding or graphs can be added. These new options will greatly enhance the ability to highlight Preventative Maintenance Tasks and Work Orders that are in need of attention as well as assist in easier distribution throughout the organization.

Features like the Developer Workbench allow for the complexity of the database to be hidden from the end user (non-IT staff). The Power Painter (WYSIWYG) provides users the ability to easily design reports with the end goal directly visible. The On-Line Analytical Processing allows users to drill into data so they do not have to guess as to what makes up the numbers on the report. And using Active Reports allows you to take the queried data on the road for analysis; no server connection required.

If you have not seen this new tool in action, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. I attended a brief presentation on the new Query product and was very impressed.
