There is no doubt that LANSA plays in the clouds and not the types with ice particles suspended in the atmosphere. As I have written last month, LANSA delivers Cloud solutions to Rippe & Kingston and could dramatically expand their offering.
I would like to hear from others if they think this is a fantastic concept or simply some marketing hype. Since I am posting this blog using software provided by Google...I guess you can tell that I am sold on the concept. However people like Larry Ellison have criticised the rash of cloud computing announcemnts as "fashinon-driven" and "complete gibberish". What do you think?
I believe this is a viable option on many fronts. So many people do not want to invest in the infrastructure and of course the time to market is a huge incentive for taking this approach. Our organizatin is currently using salesforce.com and rackspace. Why not use one of the solutions devloped by LANSA and their partners or a cloud service that LANSA might provide? Mark me down as one that thinks this is a good idea for LANSA to aggressively purse.